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Request for Comments number 2799

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RFC2799 Request for Comments Summary RFC Numbers 2700-2799

RFC2799   Request for Comments Summary RFC Numbers 2700-2799    S. Ginoza [ September 2000 ] ( TXT = 42622 bytes)

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Network Working Group                                          S. Ginoza
Request for Comments: 2799                                           ISI
Category: Informational                                   September 2000

                      Request for Comments Summary

                         RFC Numbers 2700-2799

Status of This Memo

   This RFC is a slightly annotated list of the 100 RFCs from RFC 2700
   through RFCs 2799.  This is a status report on these RFCs.  This memo
   provides information for the Internet community.  It does not specify
   an Internet standard of any kind.  Distribution of this memo is

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (YEAR).  All Rights Reserved.


   Many RFCs, but not all, are Proposed Standards, Draft Standards, or
   Standards.  Since the status of these RFCs may change during the
   standards processing, we note here only that they are on the
   standards track.  Please see the latest edition of "Internet Official
   Protocol Standards" for the current state and status of these RFCs.
   In the following, RFCs on the standards track are marked [STANDARDS-

RFC     Author          Date            Title
---     ------          ----            -----

2799    Ginoza                          Request for Comments Summary

This memo.

2798    Smith           Apr 2000        Definition of the
                                        inetOrgPerson LDAP Object

We define a new object class called inetOrgPerson for use in LDAP and
X.500 directory services that extends the X.521 standard
organizationalPerson class to meet these needs.  This memo provides
information for the Internet community.

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RFC 2799                  Summary of 2700-2799            September 2000

2797    Myers           Apr 2000        Certificate Management
                                        Messages over CMS

This document defines a Certificate Management protocol using CMS (CMC).

2796    Bates           Apr 2000        BGP Route Reflection - An
                                        Alternative to Full Mesh IBGP

This document describes the use and design of a method known as "Route
Reflection" to alleviate the the need for "full mesh" IBGP.  [STANDARDS

2795    Christey        Mar 2000        The Infinite Monkey Protocol
                                        Suite (IMPS)

This memo describes a protocol suite which supports an infinite number
of monkeys that sit at an infinite number of typewriters in order to
determine when they have either produced the entire works of William
Shakespeare or a good television show.  This memo provides information
for the Internet community.

2794    Calhoun         Mar 2000        Mobile IP Network Access
                                        Identifier Extension for IPv4

Our proposal defines a way for the mobile node to identify itself, by
including the NAI along with the Mobile IP Registration Request.  This
memo also updates RFC 2290 which specifies the Mobile-IPv4 Configuration
option for IPCP, by allowing the Mobile Node's Home Address field of
this option to be zero.  [STANDARDS TRACK]

2793    Hellstrom       May 2000        RTP Payload for Text

This memo describes how to carry text conversation session contents in
RTP packets.  Text conversation session contents are specified in ITU-T
Recommendation T.140.  [STANDARDS TRACK]

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2792    Blaze           Mar 2000        DSA and RSA Key and Signature
                                        Encoding for the KeyNote Trust
                                        Management System

This memo describes RSA and DSA key and signature encoding, and binary
key encoding for version 2 of the KeyNote trust-management system.  This
memo provides information for the Internet community.

2791    Yu              Jul 2000        Scalable Routing Design

This document identifies major factors affecting routing scalability as
well as basic principles of designing scalable routing for large
networks.  This memo provides information for the Internet community.

2790    Waldbusser      Mar 2000        Host Resources MIB

This memo obsoletes RFC 1514, the "Host Resources MIB".  This memo
extends that specification by clarifying changes based on implementation
and deployment experience and documenting the Host Resources MIB in
SMIv2 format while remaining semantically identical to the existing

2789    Freed           Mar 2000        Mail Monitoring MIB

This memo defines a portion of the Management Information Base (MIB) for
use with network management protocols in the Internet community.
Specifically, this memo extends the basic Network Services Monitoring
MIB defined in RFC 2788 [16] to allow monitoring of Message Transfer
Agents (MTAs).  It may also be used to monitor MTA components within
gateways.  [STANDARDS TRACK]

2788    Freed           Mar 2000        Network Services Monitoring

This document defines a MIB which contains the elements common to the
monitoring of any network service application.  [STANDARDS TRACK]

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2787    Jewell          Mar 2000        Definitions of Managed Objects
                                        for the Virtual Router
                                        Redundancy Protocol

This specification defines an extension to the Management Information
Base (MIB) for use with SNMP-based network management.  In particular,
it defines objects for configuring, monitoring, and controlling routers
that employ the Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP).  [STANDARDS

2786    St. Johns       Mar 2000        Diffie-Helman USM Key
                                        Management Information
                                        Base and Textual Convention

This memo defines an experimental portion of the Management Information
Base (MIB) for use with network management protocols the Internet
community.  In particular, it defines a textual convention for doing
Diffie-Helman key agreement key exchanges an set of objects which extend
the usmUserTable to permit the use of DH key exchange in addition to the
key change method.  This memo defines an Experimental Protocol for the
Internet community.

2785    Zuccherato      Mar 2000        Methods for Avoiding the
                                        "Small-Subgroup" Attacks on
                                        the Diffie-Hellman Key
                                        Agreement Method for S/MIME

This document will describe the situations relevant to implementations
of S/MIME version 3 in which protection is necessary and the methods
that can be used to prevent these attacks.  This memo provides
information for the Internet community.

2784    Farinacci       Mar 2000        Generic Routing Encapsulation

This document specifies a protocol for encapsulation of an arbitrary
network layer protocol over another arbitrary network layer protocol.

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2783    Mogul           Mar 2000        Pulse-Per-Second API for
                                        UNIX-like Operating Systems,
                                        Version 1.0

RFC 1589 did not define an API for managing the PPS facility, leaving
implementors without a portable means for using PPS sources.  This
document specifies such an API.  This memo provides information for the
Internet community.

2782    Gulbrandsen     Feb 2000        A DNS RR for specifying the
                                        location of services (DNS SRV)

This document describes a DNS RR which specifies the location of the
server(s) for a specific protocol and domain.  [STANDARDS TRACK]

2781    Hoffman         Feb 2000        UTF-16, an encoding of ISO

This document describes the UTF-16 encoding of Unicode/ISO-10646,
addresses the issues of serializing UTF-16 as an octet stream for
transmission over the Internet, discusses MIME charset naming as
described in [CHARSET-REG], and contains the registration for three MIME
charset parameter values: UTF-16BE (big-endian), UTF-16LE (little-
endian), and UTF-16.  This memo provides information for the Internet

2780    Bradner         Mar 2000        IANA Allocation Guidelines For
                                        Values In the Internet
                                        Protocol and Related Headers

This memo provides guidance for the IANA to use in assigning parameters
for fields in the IPv4, IPv6, ICMP, UDP and TCP protocol headers.  This
document specifies an Internet Best Current Practices for the Internet
Community, and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements.

2779    Day             Feb 2000        Instant Messaging / Presence
                                        Protocol Requirements

This document defines a minimal set of requirements that IMPP must meet.
This memo provides information for the Internet community.

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2778    Day             Feb 2000        A Model for Presence and
                                        Instant Messaging

This document defines an abstract model for a presence and instant
messaging system.  It defines the various entities involved, defines
terminology, and outlines the services provided by the system.  This
memo provides information for the Internet community.

2777    Eastlake        Feb 2000        Publicly Verifiable Nomcom
                                        Random Selection

This document describes a method for making random selections in such a
way that the unbiased nature of the choice is publicly verifiable.  This
memo provides information for the Internet community.

2776    Handley         Feb 2000        Multicast-Scope Zone
                                        Announcement Protocol (MZAP)

This document defines a protocol, the Multicast-Scope Zone Announcement
Protocol (MZAP), for discovering the multicast administrative scope
zones that are relevant at a particular location.  [STANDARDS TRACK]

2775    Carpenter       Feb 2000        Internet Transparency

This document describes the current state of the Internet from the
architectural viewpoint, concentrating on issues of end-to-end
connectivity and transparency.

2774    Nielsen         Feb 2000        An HTTP Extension Framework

This document describes a generic extension mechanism for HTTP, which is
designed to address the tension between private agreement and public
specification and to accommodate extension of applications using HTTP
clients, servers, and proxies.  This memo defines an Experimental
Protocol for the Internet community.

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2773    Housley         Feb 2000        Encryption using KEA and

This document defines a method to encrypt a file transfer using the FTP
specification STD 9, RFC 959, "File Transfer Protocol (FTP)", (October
1985) and RFC 2228, "FTP Security Extensions" (October 1997).  This memo
defines an Experimental Protocol for the Internet community.

2772    Rockell         Feb 2000        6Bone Backbone Routing

This document provides a set of guidelines for all 6bone routing
equipment operators to use as a reference for efficient and stable
deployment of 6bone routing systems.  This memo provides information for
the Internet community.

2771    Finlayson       Feb 2000        An Abstract API for Multicast
                                        Address Allocation

This document describes the "abstract service interface" for the dynamic
multicast address allocation service, as seen by applications.  This
memo provides information for the Internet community.

2770    Meyer           Feb 2000        GLOP Addressing in 233/8

This describes an experimental policy for use of the class D address
space using 233/8 as the experimental statically assigned subset of the
class D address space.  This memo defines an Experimental Protocol for
the Internet community.

2769    Villamizar      Feb 2000        Routing Policy System

This document addresses the need to distribute data over multiple
repositories and delegate authority for data subsets to other
repositories without compromising the authorization model established in
Routing Policy System Security RFC.  [STANDARDS TRACK]

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2768    Aiken           Feb 2000        Network Policy and Services:
                                        A Report of a Workshop on

An ad hoc middleware workshop was held at the International Center for
Advanced Internet Research in December 1998.  The need for a more
organized framework for middleware R&D was recognized, and a list of
specific topics needing further work was identified.  This memo provides
information for the Internet community.

2767    Tsuchiya        Feb 2000        Dual Stack Hosts using the
                                        "Bump-In-the-Stack" Technique

This memo proposes a mechanism of dual stack hosts using the technique
called "Bump-in-the-Stack" in the IP security area.  This memo provides
information for the Internet community.

2766    Tsirtsis        Feb 2000        Network Address Translation -
                                        Protocol Translation (NAT-PT)

This document specifies an IPv4-to-IPv6 transition mechanism, in
addition to those already specified.  [STANDARDS TRACK]

2765    Nordmark        Feb 2000        Stateless IP/ICMP Translation
                                        Algorithm (SIIT)

This document specifies a transition mechanism algorithm in addition to
the mechanisms already specified.  [STANDARDS TRACK]

2764    Gleeson         Feb 2000        A Framework for IP Based
                                        Virtual Private Networks

This document describes a framework for Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)
running across IP backbones.  This memo provides information for the
Internet community.

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2763    Shen            Feb 2000        Dynamic Hostname Exchange
                                        Mechanism for IS-IS

This document defines a new TLV which allows the IS-IS routers to flood
their name to system ID mapping information across the IS-IS network.
This memo provides information for the Internet community.

2762    Rosenberg       Feb 2000        Sampling of the Group
                                        Membership in RTP

This document discusses mechanisms for sampling of this group membership
table in order to reduce the memory requirements.  This memo defines an
Experimental Protocol for the Internet community.

2761    Dunn            Feb 2000        Terminology for ATM

This memo discusses and defines terms associated with performance
benchmarking tests and the results of these tests in the context of
Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) based switching devices.  This memo
provides information for the Internet community.

2760    Allman          Feb 2000        Ongoing TCP Research Related
                                        to Satellites

This document outlines possible TCP enhancements that may allow TCP to
better utilize the available bandwidth provided by networks containing
satellite links.  This memo provides information for the Internet

2759    Zorn            Jan 2000        Microsoft PPP CHAP Extensions,
                                        Version 2

This document describes version two of Microsoft's PPP CHAP dialect
(MS-CHAP-V2).  MS-CHAP-V2 is similar to, but incompatible with, MS-CHAP
version one (MS-CHAP-V1).  This memo provides information for the
Internet community.

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2758    White           Feb 2000        Definitions of Managed Objects
                                        for Service Level Agreements
                                        Performance Monitoring

This memo defines a Management Information Base (MIB) for performance
monitoring of Service Level Agreements (SLAs) defined via policy
definitions.  This memo defines an Experimental Protocol for the
Internet community.

2757    Montenegro      Jan 2000        Long Thin Networks

Our goal is to identify a TCP that works for all users, including users
of long thin networks.  This memo provides information for the Internet

2756    Vixie           Jan 2000        Hyper Text Caching Protocol

This document describes HTCP, a protocol for discovering HTTP caches and
cached data, managing sets of HTTP caches, and monitoring cache
activity.  This is an experimental protocol, one among several proposals
to perform these functions.  This memo defines an Experimental Protocol
for the Internet community.

2755    Chiu            Jan 2000        Security Negotiation for

This document describes a protocol for a WebNFS client (RFC2054) to
negotiate the desired security mechanism with a WebNFS server (RFC2055)
before the WebNFS client falls back to the MOUNT v3 protocol (RFC1813).
This document is provided so that people can write compatible
implementations.  This memo provides information for the Internet

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2754    Alaettinoglu    Jan 2000        RPS IANA Issues

RPS Security requires certain RPSL objects in the IRR to be
hierarchically delegated.  The set of objects that are at the root of
this hierarchy needs to be created and digitally signed by IANA.  This
paper presents these seed objects and lists operations required from
IANA.  This memo provides information for the Internet community.

2753    Yavatkar        Jan 2000        A Framework for Policy-based
                                        Admission Control

This document is concerned with specifying a framework for providing
policy-based control over admission control decisions.  This memo
provides information for the Internet community.

2752    Yadav           Jan 2000        Identity Representation for

This document describes the representation of identity information in
POLICY_DATA object for supporting policy based admission control in

2751    Herzog          Jan 2000        Signaled Preemption Priority
                                        Policy Element

This document describes a preemption priority policy element for use by
signaled policy based admission protocols (such as RSVP and COPS).

2750    Herzog          Jan 2000        RSVP Extensions for Policy

This memo presents a set of extensions for supporting generic policy
based admission control in RSVP.  [STANDARDS TRACK]

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2749    Herzog          Jan 2000        COPS usage for RSVP

This document describes usage directives for supporting COPS policy
services in RSVP environments.  [STANDARDS TRACK]

2748    Durham          Jan 2000        The COPS (Common Open Policy
                                        Service) Protocol

This document describes a simple client/server model for supporting
policy control over QoS signaling protocols.  [STANDARDS TRACK]

2747    Baker           Jan 2000        RSVP Cryptographic

This document describes the format and use of RSVP's INTEGRITY object to
provide hop-by-hop integrity and authentication of RSVP messages.

2746    Terzis          Jan 2000        RSVP Operation Over IP Tunnels

This document describes an approach for providing RSVP protocol services
over IP tunnels.  [STANDARDS TRACK]

2745    Terzis          Jan 2000        RSVP Diagnostic Messages

This document specifies the RSVP diagnostic facility, which allows a
user to collect information about the RSVP state along a path.

2744    Wray            Jan 2000        Generic Security Service API
                                        Version 2 : C-bindings

This document specifies C language bindings for Version 2, Update 1 of
the Generic Security Service Application Program Interface (GSS-API),
which is described at a language-independent conceptual level in RFC

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2743    Linn            Jan 2000        Generic Security Service
                                        Application Program Interface
                                        Version 2, Update 1

This memo obsoletes [RFC-2078], making specific, incremental changes in
response to implementation experience and liaison requests.  It is
intended, therefore, that this memo or a successor version thereto will
become the basis for subsequent progression of the GSS-API specification
on the standards track.  [STANDARDS TRACK]

2742    Heintz          Jan 2000        Definitions of Managed Objects
                                        for Extensible SNMP Agents

This memo defines a portion of the Management Information Base (MIB) for
use with network management protocols in the Internet community.  In
particular, it describes objects managing SNMP agents that use the Agent
Extensibility (AgentX) Protocol.  [STANDARDS TRACK]

2741    Daniele         Jan 2000        Agent Extensibility (AgentX)
                                        Protocol Version 1

This memo defines a standardized framework for extensible SNMP agents.

2740    Coltun          Dec 1999        OSPF for IPv6

This document describes the modifications to OSPF to support version 6
of the Internet Protocol (IPv6).  [STANDARDS TRACK]

2739    Small           Jan 2000        Calendar Attributes for vCard
                                        and LDAP

This memo defines three mechanisms for obtaining a URI to a user's
calendar and free/busy time.  [STANDARDS TRACK]

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2738    Klyne           Dec 1999        Corrections to "A Syntax for
                                        Describing Media Feature Sets"

In RFC 2533, "A Syntax for Describing Media Feature Sets", an expression
format is presented for describing media feature capabilities using
simple media feature tags.  This memo contains two corrections to that
specification:  one fixes an error in the formal syntax specification,
and the other fixes an error in the rules for reducing feature
comparison predicates.  [STANDARDS TRACK]

2737    McCloghrie      Dec 1999        Entity MIB (Version 2)

This memo defines a portion of the Management Information Base (M for
use with network management protocols in the Internet communi In
particular, it describes managed objects used for managing multiple
logical and physical entities managed by a single SNMP agent.

2736    Handley         Dec 1999        Guidelines for Writers of RTP
                                        Payload Format Specifications

This document provides general guidelines aimed at assisting the authors
of RTP Payload Format specifications in deciding on good formats.  This
document specifies an Internet Best Current Practices for the Internet
Community, and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements.

2735    Fox             Dec 1999        NHRP Support for Virtual
                                        Private Networks

The NBMA Next Hop Resolution Protocol (NHRP) is used to determine the
NBMA subnetwork addresses of the "NBMA next hop" towards a public
internetworking layer address.  This document describes the enhancements
necessary to enable NHRP to perform the same function for private
internetworking layer addresses available within the framework of a
Virtual Private Network (VPN) service on a shared NBMA network.

2734    Johansson       Dec 1999        IPv4 over IEEE 1394

This document specifies how to use IEEE Std 1394-1995, Standard for a
High Performance Serial Bus (and its supplements), for the transport of
Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) datagrams; it defines the necessary
methods, data structures and codes for that purpose.  [STANDARDS TRACK]

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2733    Rosenberg       Dec 1999        An RTP Payload Format for
                                        Generic Forward Error

This document specifies a payload format for generic forward error
correction of media encapsulated in RTP.  [STANDARDS TRACK]

2732    Hinden          Dec 1999        Format for Literal IPv6
                                        Addresses in URL's

This document defines the format for literal IPv6 Addresses in URL's for
implementation in World Wide Web browsers.  [STANDARDS TRACK]

2731    Kunze           Dec 1999        Encoding Dublin Core Metadata
                                        in HTML

The Dublin Core is a small set of metadata elements for describing
information resources.  This document explains how these elements are
expressed using the META and LINK tags of HTML.  This memo provides
information for the Internet community.

2730    Hanna           Dec 1999        Multicast Address Dynamic
                                        Client Allocation Protocol

This document defines a protocol, Multicast Address Dynamic Client
Allocation Protocol (MADCAP), that allows hosts to request multicast
addresses from multicast address allocation servers.  [STANDARDS TRACK]

2729    Bagnall         Dec 1999        Taxonomy of Communication
                                        Requirements for Large-scale
                                        Multicast Applications

The intention of this memo is to define a classification system for the
communication requirements of any large-scale multicast application
(LSMA).  This memo provides information for the Internet community.

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2728    Panabaker       Nov 1999        The Transmission of IP Over
                                        the Vertical Blanking Interval
                                        of a Television Signal

This document describes a method for broadcasting IP data in a
unidirectional manner using the vertical blanking interval of television

2727    Galvin          Feb 2000        IAB and IESG Selection,
                                        Confirmation, and Recall
                                        Process: Operation of the
                                        Nominating and Recall

The process by which the members of the IAB and IESG are selected,
confirmed, and recalled is specified.  This document is a self-
consistent, organized compilation of the process as it was known at the
time of publication.  This document specifies an Internet Best Current
Practices for the Internet Community, and requests discussion and
suggestions for improvements.

2726    Zsako           Dec 1999        PGP Authentication for RIPE
                                        Database Updates

This document presents the proposal for a stronger authentication method
of the updates of the RIPE database based on digital signatures.

2725    Villamizar      Dec 1999        Routing Policy System Security

The implementation and deployment of a routing policy system must
maintain some degree of integrity to be of any operational use.  This
document addresses the need to assure integrity of the data by providing
an authentication and authorization model.  [STANDARDS TRACK]

2724    Handelman       Oct 1999        RTFM: New Attributes for
                                        Traffic Flow Measurement

This document discusses RTFM flows and the attributes which they can
have, so as to provide a logical framework for extending the
architecture by adding new attributes.  This memo defines an
Experimental Protocol for the Internet community.

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2723    Brownlee        Oct 1999        SRL: A Language for Describing
                                        Traffic Flows and Specifying
                                        Actions for Flow Groups

This document describes a language for specifying rulesets, i.e.
configuration files which may be loaded into a traffic flow meter so as
to specify which traffic flows are measured by the meter, and the
information it will store for each flow.  This memo provides information
for the Internet community.

2722    Brownlee        Oct 1999        Traffic Flow Measurement:

This document provides a general framework for describing network
traffic flows, presents an architecture for traffic flow measurement and
reporting, discusses how this relates to an overall network traffic flow
architecture and indicates how it can be used within the Internet.  This
memo provides information for the Internet community.

2721    Brownlee        Oct 1999        RTFM: Applicability Statement

This document provides an overview covering all aspects of Realtime
Traffic Flow Measurement, including its area of applicability and its
limitations.  This memo provides information for the Internet community.

2720    Brownlee        Oct 1999        Traffic Flow Measurement:
                                        Meter MIB

This document defines a Management Information Base (MIB) for use in
controlling an RTFM Traffic Meter, in particular for specifying the
flows to be measured.  It also provides an efficient mechanism for
retrieving flow data from the meter using SNMP.  Security issues
concerning the operation of traffic meters are summarised.  [STANDARDS

2719    Ong             Oct 1999        Framework Architecture for
                                        Signaling Transport

This document defines an architecture framework and functional
requirements for transport of signaling information over IP.  This memo
provides information for the Internet community.

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2718    Masinter        Nov 1999        Guidelines for new URL Schemes

This document provides guidelines for the definition of new URL schemes.
This memo provides information for the Internet community.

2717    Petke           Nov 1999        Registration Procedures for
                                        URL Scheme Names

This document defines the process by which new URL scheme names are
registered.  This document specifies an Internet Best Current Practices
for the Internet Community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

2716    Aboba           Oct 1999        PPP EAP TLS Authentication

The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) provides a standard method for
transporting multi-protocol datagrams over point-to-point links.The
Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) is a PPP extension that
provides support for additional authentication methods within PPP.  This
memo defines an Experimental Protocol for the Internet community.

2715    Thaler          Oct 1999        Interoperability Rules for
                                        Multicast Routing Protocols

The rules described in this document will allow efficient interoperation
among multiple independent multicast routing domains.  This memo
provides information for the Internet community.

2714    Ryan            Oct 1999        Schema for Representing CORBA
                                        Object References in an LDAP

This document defines the schema for representing CORBA object
references in an LDAP directory.  This memo provides information for the
Internet community.

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2713    Ryan            Oct 1999        Schema for Representing
                                        Java(tm) Objects in an
                                        LDAP Directory

This document defines the schema for representing Java(tm) objects in an
LDAP directory.  This memo provides information for the Internet

2712    Medvinsky       Oct 1999        Addition of Kerberos Cipher
                                        Suites to Transport Layer
                                        Security (TLS)

This document proposes the addition of new cipher suites to the TLS
protocol to support Kerberos-based authentication.  [STANDARDS TRACK]

2711    Partridge       Oct 1999        IPv6 Router Alert Option

This memo describes a new IPv6 Hop-by-Hop Option type that alerts
transit routers to more closely examine the contents of an IP datagram.

2710    Deering         Oct 1999        Multicast Listener Discovery
                                        (MLD) for IPv6

This document specifies the protocol used by an IPv6 router to discover
the presence of multicast listeners (that is, nodes wishing to receive
multicast packets) on its directly attached links, and to discover
specifically which multicast addresses are of interest to those
neighboring nodes.  [STANDARDS TRACK]

2709    Srisuresh       Oct 1999        Security Model with
                                        Tunnel-mode IPsec for NAT

This document describes a security model by which tunnel-mode IPsec
security can be architected on NAT devices.  This memo provides
information for the Internet community.

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2708    Bergman         Nov 1999        Job Submission Protocol
                                        Mapping Recommendations
                                        for the Job Monitoring MIB

This document defines the recommended mapping for many currently popular
Job submission protocols to objects and attributes in the Job Monitoring
MIB.  This memo provides information for the Internet community.

2707    Bergman         Nov 1999        Job Monitoring MIB - V1.0

This document provides a printer industry standard SNMP MIB for (1)
monitoring the status and progress of print jobs (2) obtaining resource
requirements before a job is processed, (3) monitoring resource
consumption while a job is being processed and (4) collecting resource
accounting data after the completion of a job.  This memo provides
information for the Internet community.

2706    Eastlake        Oct 1999        ECML v1: Field Names for

A standard set of information fields is defined as the first version of
an Electronic Commerce Modeling Language (ECML) so that this task can be
more easily automated, for example by wallet software that could fill in
fields.  This memo provides information for the Internet community.

2705    Arango          Oct 1999        Media Gateway Control Protocol
                                        (MGCP) Version 1.0

This document describes an application programming interface and a
corresponding protocol (MGCP) for controlling Voice over IP (VoIP)
Gateways from external call control elements.  MGCP assumes a call
control architecture where the call control "intelligence" is outside
the gateways and handled by external call control elements.  This memo
provides information for the Internet community.

2704    Blaze           Sep 1999        The KeyNote Trust-Management
                                        System Version 2

This memo describes version 2 of the KeyNote trust-management system.It
specifies the syntax and semantics of KeyNote `assertions', describes
`action attribute' processing, and outlines the application architecture
into which a KeyNote implementation can be fit.  This memo provides
information for the Internet community.

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RFC 2799                  Summary of 2700-2799            September 2000

2703    Klyne           Sep 1999        Protocol-independent Content
                                        Negotiation Framework

This memo sets out terminology, an abstract framework and goals for
protocol-independent content negotiation, and identifies some technical
issues which may need to be addressed.  This memo provides information
for the Internet community.

2702    Awduche         Sep 1999        Requirements for Traffic
                                        Engineering Over MPLS

This document presents a set of requirements for Traffic Engineering
over Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS).  It identifies the functional
capabilities required to implement policies that facilitate efficient
and reliable network operations in an MPLS domain.  This memo provides
information for the Internet community.

2701    Malkin          Sep 1999        Nortel Networks Multi-link
                                        Multi-node PPP Bundle
                                        Discovery Protocol

This document specifies a standard way for Multi-link PPP to operate
across multiple nodes.  This memo provides information for the Internet

2700    Reynolds        Aug 2000        Internet Official Protocol

This memo describes the current state of standardization of protocols
used in the Internet as determined by the Internet Engineering Task

Security Considerations

   Security issues are not discussed in this memo.

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RFC 2799                  Summary of 2700-2799            September 2000

Author's Address

   Sandy Ginoza
   University of Southern California
   Information Sciences Institute
   4676 Admiralty Way
   Marina del Rey, CA 90292

   Phone:  (310) 822-1511

   EMail: ginoza@isi.edu

Ginoza                       Informational                     [Page 22]
RFC 2799                  Summary of 2700-2799            September 2000

Full Copyright Statement

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (YEAR).  All Rights Reserved.

   This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to
   others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it
   or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published
   and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any
   kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
   included on all such copies and derivative works.  However, this
   document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing
   the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other
   Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of
   developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for
   copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be
   followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than

   The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be
   revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

   This document and the information contained herein is provided on an


   Funding for the RFC Editor function is currently provided by the
   Internet Society.

Ginoza                       Informational                     [Page 23]



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